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I'm an adventurous introvert from Vancouver, Washington who lives on sleep + "me time." I'm a lover of lifting weights, dinosaurs, real talk and traveling with my husband. I am here to help you move better, lift more, bust the myths of the fitness industry, and inspire you to love the process.

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The name's Annie & you're reading my thoughts. Let's get acquainted. 

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When most people think of a box jump, they think of jumping UP, onto the box. But depth jumps flip that on its head. Today’s post takes you through how I use depth jumps in programming, as well as a real life example of depth jumps used in my personal programming. I am a big […]

July 4, 2022

What are depth jumps and how to use in training

Is cluster training right for you? There is no “rule book” for who can and cannot use cluster training. But this post will hopefully give you an idea of when clusters make the most sense for a trainee (whether your clients or yourself). Swipe-y swipe to learn the basics of cluster training: Clusters are essentially […]

June 29, 2022

Annie Miller shares her thoughts on cluster training

Exercise programming as a new coach Writing exercise programs is not something taught to coaches in their certification. And only the basics are covered in upper education degrees. The majority of education on exercise programming comes through courses, and experience by coaches and trainers – either before or after getting certified. This post in particular […]

June 27, 2022

Exercise Programming As a New Coach with Annie Miller

Today we’re covering all things scapular pull ups – the what, why, how and when! I’d argue most humans who are able would benefit from using scapular pull ups in some way shape or form. They’re great for warm ups, gaining awareness of your scapulas and how to move them, and of course strengthening your […]

June 22, 2022

Seven Body Weight Exercises Worth Doing with Annie Miller

Body weight exercises get a lot of hate in the world of humans who prefer weight lifting. But the panorama proved how valuable body weight exercise can be. So, let’s set some things straight. Body weight does not mean NO WEIGHT. A pull up is a body weight exercise and most people (women in particular) […]

June 16, 2022

Seven Body Weight Exercises Worth Doing with Annie Miller

If you’ve done any strength training, you’ve likely done step ups of some kind. Today’s post is drawing attention to an unweighted lateral high box step up. Fabulous for range of motion, and working control through said range of motion. Trust – with a heavy eccentric focus (spending several seconds in the lowering phase), you […]

June 13, 2022

lateral step up tutorial with Annie Miller

White board breakdown is in session – let’s talk muscle hypertrophy and what we can control in order to make it happen. Disclaimer: Forgive the quality of this video – I have ordered a new lens that will improve my white board teachings in this rental garage before we build my dream home, equipped with […]

June 8, 2022

The Basics Of Hypertrophy For Strength Training with Annie Miller

I am very grateful to live in a time period when weight lifting and women putting on muscle is more invited than ever. While mainstream media will likely always prey on the insecurities of females, I am hopeful there will be more and more spaces that encourage and welcome ladies into the weights section. Because, […]

June 2, 2022

8 timeless weight lifting lessons with Annie Miller

If you spend any amount of time on Pinterest or Instagram searching women’s fitness, you’ll soon be bombarded with messaging around growing your glutes and slimming your waist. You’ll find extreme physiques (many of which are photoshopped through free apps), in the best lighting, and obviously posed. But, the question remains… Can you grow your […]

May 26, 2022

Can You Really Grow Your Glutes and Slim Your Waist? with Annie Miller

I am not entirely sure when the word “toned” was introduced to health and fitness marketing, but Lord knows bullshit companies have been profiting off of this word for decades. Specifically targeting female clientele. Before we begin, I want make very CLEAR that having the desire to look “toned” is not bad! Not at all! […]

May 20, 2022

Is Cardio Best If Getting "Toned" Is Your Goal with Annie Miller







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