the blog
I'm an adventurous introvert from Vancouver, Washington who lives on sleep + "me time." I'm a lover of lifting weights, dinosaurs, real talk and traveling with my husband. I am here to help you move better, lift more, bust the myths of the fitness industry, and inspire you to love the process.
It’s time to stop procrastinating. I am unsure what percentage of humans suffer from self-caused procrastination, but I’d guess it’s most. That guess in based on interactions I’ve had with other homosapiens. And today I’d like to offer some solutions based in tough love. I got pretty frustrated a few weeks back. Between clients and […]
Especially in the western world, it seems to be preached that more is better – that we should always be after more, that more is to be coveted. Annie’s being philosophical again, watch out. Truly, I know nothing other than what I have experienced. So, that’s the lens I am sharing through. I don’t know […]
Comparison. Feeling behind. Not having your “story” yet. All very normal things in any facet of life – especially in fitness and business. You’ve heard all the quotes. “You can’t have the 100th without the 1st,” “Don’t compare your 1st year with my 5th year.” They’re cliche AF but SO TRUE. My hope today is […]
If you’re running a business, you need to make sales, yes? It will behoove you to look for gaps in why you aren’t closing more sales. Today’s topic…confidence. Before you write that off, thinking I am just going to say “be more confident,” give me a chance. Ask the simple question: How can you expect […]
I’ve made a point from the beginning of 2021 to now to actively unsubscribe. I am speaking in a literal email inbox sense. Mute. Unfollow. Unsubscribe. Shift. Detach. Email is not my strong suite. I mean WRITING emails is. But my assistant can attest to the fact that email organization is NOT my forte. So, […]
A lesson unexpectedly learned For four hours of the flight he typed with two fingers, at a PAINFULLY slow rate. My initial reaction of making fun of how inefficiently he was typing was quickly replaced with: He’s getting more done than you…(to myself) I had planned to get some writing done but had opted to […]
Imposter Syndrome – something you will never not experience. So how do you have it, yet still move forward and make progress in your business? I hope you help you with that RIGHT NOW. You think you need more knowledge, more experience, more flare/personality, a larger following. WROOONNGGGG. You’re wrong. You really need to: Show […]
Comparing the newbie versus expert mindset. And the progression of becoming more of an expert or learning something new to becoming seasoned. See the comparison + process below. It is very common to start off with rigid beliefs about concepts and philosophies on a given topic. We see this ALL the time in the world […]
IF YOU’RE HUMAN, YOU’VE EXPERIENCED A SLUMP. I have wanted to speak on this topic for a long time. And I think that’s partially because sometimes I feel like people think I don’t experience slumps, or low motivation. Which is hilarious because motivation is NOT how people become successful in any area of life. Discipline […]
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I, Annie Miller, bring you a no B.S. approach on how to navigate + thrive in the world that is online health and fitness. You’ll learn through the lens of the trainee, the strength coach and the entrepreneur. I don't shy away from the nitty gritty truths my friend. Join me.