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June 15, 2022

How To Prioritize Your To Do List

How To Prioritize Your To Do List with Annie Miller

The goal and often Achilles heel of any entrepreneur is replacing overwhelm with productivity. To get through the always-growing, never-ending to do list. I believe this debacle will never not be a struggle to some degree, so let’s start working on it NOW.

Learning to establish what tasks take priority over others will be imperative for running an efficient business. And getting better and better at making that determination only comes with experience and practice.

I am less concerned with your to do list medium – be it digital, paper, or both – and more interested in your ability to GET SHIT DONE. More importantly, getting the most important tasks done.

As difficult as it can be, I really want to encourage you to minimize your list to the most essential tasks. Yes, in some seasons, there is going to be a hefty to do list. But even when those seasons arise, you have the efficacy to decide on what is MOST important and pressing. YOU HAVE THE POWER.

So, give the short mini training below a listen and register for my free on demand workshop to learn more.

I don’t mean to oversimplify the process of productivity. If you look at how many entrepreneurs and humans in general struggle with getting done what they want to get done, it’s clear that sometimes these strategies are easier said than done.

Choosing your top tasks is not always easy. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t necessary.

Some additional things I like to think about when deciding what to complete on my list are:

  • Choosing a small task that will lead to me feeling accomplished. Who doesn’t love checking off boxes?
  • Going with the most daunting task – the one I have been avoiding. This tactic removes the WEIGHT and allows you to move on with a bit more breath.
  • Letting time demands determine the order of tasks. Get done what needs to be done in order of deadlines.
  • Choose the task that seems most fun to you. Then you can move onto other important (but maybe less enjoyable) tasks.

While you’re on the site, snag all the free resources – you’ll find goodies for trainees and coaches or entrepreneurs alike. Much love.

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I'm an adventurous introvert from Vancouver, Washington who lives on sleep + "me time." I'm a lover of lifting weights, dinosaurs, real talk and traveling with my husband. I am here to help you move better, lift more, bust the myths of the fitness industry, and inspire you to love the process.

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