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August 31, 2023

4 Ways To Get Out Of A Creative Block

If you are showing up online and creating content… I’m almost certain you can relate to getting stuck in a creative block. 

You know what I’m talking about…

The day you run out of content and you need to create something but you have no idea what to say or make you have no idea who you are. Even though you probably have 1000 Instagram posts to pull from. 

This can be referred to as having a content creation block. 

My name is Annie Miller and I help you navigate building online businesses without selling your soul to vanity metrics or using sales calls if you don’t want to. 

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Today we are talking about all things content creation and what to do when your brain just won’t turn on. If you’re a content creator, there’s this assumption that you are in a constant state of creativity and inspiration. Or that you have a self-imposed expectation to pop out content like rabbits make babies. 

That’s simply not going to be the case for 99% of people. Which is also why most of you watching this will have experienced a content creation block.

Today I am going to be mainly referencing Instagram, but these tactics apply to any kind of content creation. Whether it’s podcasts, blogs, emails, YouTube videos, writing scripts, or of course Instagram. 

I work primarily with health and fitness coaches and providers in the online space. While they are experts of their craft, they also have to become social media managers for their brand. 

The fact is, creating content does take time, but I hope that today’s blog helps you come up with some ways to enjoy your process, be able to show up, and pump out content…

Even when you’re not feeling inspired. 

Because let’s face it, we don’t build profitable and sustainable businesses on inspiration. 

We build them on trust and dependability.

Getting Out Of The Slump

Whenever you feel like you’re in a slump with your content creation, there’s a few different routes you can go. One size does not fit all and different personalities will react differently to this phenomenon. 

So it’s really important that you know yourself, and maybe through some trial and error. You can determine how to intuitively choose which one of these routes to go down when you find yourself at a standstill with your content creation. 

Get Out Of A Creative Block Tip #1: 

Pull content from some of your old posts. You can either literally repost it or repurpose it and reuse it in some fresh way. You don’t have to keep inventing the wheel in new ways when it comes to creating content. 

Get Out Of A Creative Block Tip #2: 

Review previous or current client questions and answer them in your content. You can also review client testimonies to either create content from or to get re-grounded and excited about your methodology and your philosophy again. We all need the reminder some days. 

Get Out Of A Creative Block Tip #3: 

Put on your blinders as far as consuming content from other people in your industry. However, I do actually encourage you to consume content from things that you enjoy outside of your industry. 

For me, that would be content like makeup, home decor or design, maybe food… 

Then see if you can apply what you’re consuming outside of your industry into your brand. Forget the check boxes and just create whatever you want to. 

Note: This really only works if you have a personal brand. 

Here’s an example of one of my favorite IG posts: 

While this post didn’t provide any value to anyone in a direct manner, it was extremely relatable to my audience and therefore still performed well.

I don’t make this point to talk about metrics or that I even want you to think about your posts performing well because in my opinion, when you’re in a lull, you keep going in order to literally just keep going. 

Keep building momentum and you learn that you can still show up and provide value/entertainment even when you’re not in the mood. 

In this post I essentially asked my audience what time of day they lift or train. 

This was a swipe graphic describing the elitist people who lift at 5:00 AM who think they’re better than everyone else, and let’s be honest, they probably are. 

Then the 10am-2pm crowd: the work from home, stay-at-home mom, student who gets to enjoy an empty gym and never deal with having to share equipment with anyone.

Lastly, the after work crew who depends on the literal power of Jesus himself and pre-workout to get through the rage that is lifting in a packed gym after work. 

I would not generally plan a post like this because it doesn’t fall under any of my “mother categories” for content. It doesn’t provide direct value, but it was fun to make. It still brought value from a connective standpoint with my audience. Posting what you want really just refers to the fact that you are on social media. Maybe there’s a trend you want to hop on, or you simply put up a swipe post with different feelings or photos and ask your audience an engaging question about how they’re doing right now. 

Focus On The People/Audience That You Have.

I really like to lean into audience interaction versus growth or reach to new people when I’m in a content creation slump. Think about how you can simply connect to your audience as is versus having to create new exposure. 

This is helpful because it allows you to get feedback from your audience and interact with them, which never hurts when you’re in a slump and you maybe feel disconnected from your audience. 

Get Out Of A Creative Block Tip #4: 

Just start writing. Write down everything in regards to your expertise. Just make a huge brain dump. Set a timer for 10+ minutes and let your brain go wherever it goes. 

This could just provide a list of content ideas, or end in a rant, but you’re bound to get something from this exercise in the way of clarity and direction with your content. 

Join The Discussion: 

If you have any other tips for when you are in a content creation slump, drop them in the comments below to help other people. As I mentioned, at the beginning of this blog, if you create content in any medium on any platform… You have experienced a content creation block. 

Also, I’m curious to know… Do you currently pre-plan your content or fly by the seat of your pants? Put it in the comments below. 

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I'm an adventurous introvert from Vancouver, Washington who lives on sleep + "me time." I'm a lover of lifting weights, dinosaurs, real talk and traveling with my husband. I am here to help you move better, lift more, bust the myths of the fitness industry, and inspire you to love the process.

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