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I'm an adventurous introvert from Vancouver, Washington who lives on sleep + "me time." I'm a lover of lifting weights, dinosaurs, real talk and traveling with my husband. I am here to help you move better, lift more, bust the myths of the fitness industry, and inspire you to love the process.

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The name's Annie & you're reading my thoughts. Let's get acquainted. 

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The only 3 things you need to switch up to get results from your strength training I’m just going to come right out an say it. People are too damn fancy. Calm down. Simplify. Your training will serve you well if you are consistent and train to improve and refine movement patterns, while getting stronger […]

July 9, 2018

The only three things to need to switch up in your program to get results

The deadlift. It might just be one of the most underperformed lift of all big compound movements. Which is why I have a post on how to deadlift like a pro here. The conventional deadlift Most people just know this variation as “the deadlift.” Feet shoulder width, bend down, grab the bar, pick it up. […]

June 25, 2018

Annie Miller of Fitdesignbyannie explains different deadlift variations and how to use them

The fitness and health industry is notorious for changing on direction on a dime with what is and isn’t effective. Today I share with you three myths that you need to stop believing YESTERDAY. #1 If you aren’t sore, you didn’t get a good workout. NOOOOOOO. Do you even know what muscle soreness is? Yes […]

June 18, 2018

Annie Miller of Fitdesignbyannie

You want to know when people care about their abs or getting a six pack? When they are insecure. There, I said it. We were not put on this earth to have a six pack and die…what a sad, sad life that would be. I had a very visible six pack. At my most ripped […]

June 10, 2018

I get asked weekly, “How do you stay motivated to workout?” Motivation is a word that gets thrown around A LOT in the fitness industry.  Quite frankly I hate it. I am NOT motivated everyday to workout. In fact I would say 20% of the time I am motivated. 80% of the time I have […]

June 4, 2018

Annie Miller of Fitdesignbyannie the secret to staying motivated

FORGET the debate about whether cardio or weight training is best for fat loss. Science is best for fat loss. Okay? Both weight training and cardio can be used to attain fat loss. There are ways to use both. That’s what I bring to you today. I will mention that with both options, weight training […]

May 28, 2018

How to lose fat with cardio or weights

Let’s get a few things straight before we jump into the ever-popular subject of cardio. There is not BEST time. It just depends on what the goal is, both for your training program and for that given day. Also, cardio DOES NOT have to be on a treadmill, elliptical, stair-master, bike or any other “cardio […]

May 21, 2018

Cardio before or after workouts

What season of life are you in? How is your stress level? What is your schedule like?  How are your 24 hours used? Where is your mind at, your spirit at? What is your life OUTSIDE the gym currently looking like? It all matters and it all has an effect on your training. Unless you’re […]

May 7, 2018

Annie Miller of Fitdesignbyannie on aligning your training season with your season of life

Lifting heavy is relative. Lifting heavy simply means the weight feels heavy to YOU and your body at it’s current load capacity.  A 100lb bar might be as heavy to your friend as a 220lb loaded bar is to you. Get that straight. It’s all relative.  This is where RPE comes in. Rate of Perceived […]

April 30, 2018

Lifting heavy weights - 3 considerations to make

My Body Image Issues: The day I discovered my cellulite. Are you a human? Okay cool, so you have image issues. At some point in your life: you’ve felt insecure, disliked the way you felt in your skin, thought negatively about your body, been envious of someone else’s body or wanted to change something about […]

April 9, 2018

The day I discovered my cellulite







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