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November 15, 2023

Expectations & Results


Can’t wait for you to start OWNING your insta-game.

I won’t take much of your time. But I want to get a few things STRAIGHT before you dive into the good stuff.

Starting, building and growing a brand via instagram takes diligence, hard work, a willingness to fail and consistency. It is not an overnight thing. It’s a long haul thing.

That is not to say you won’t have success and see growth monthly, weekly and even daily.

“Growth” as in followers, interaction and inquiries into your offer.

You need to use ALL OF IG 101, in it’s entirety to find success.

Everything in IG 101 is there for a reason. It serves a purpose. Skip the mindset portion? Good luck. Skip the metrics section? Have fun not understanding or embracing the algorithm and the app. It is all here to serve you. It is all here for a REASON, for your growth and success via instagram.

There is A LOT of information here. You can go as gung-ho as you like. This will depend on the amount of time to you have to invest in your instagram content, interaction and market research. Which is fine.

I just encourage you to take it one step at a time, one workbook at a time, and have fun in the process.

Instagram is FUN. It’s a great platform where super positive things can happen. And I am willing to bet you have something big to offer the world of instagram.

What you can expect from fully implementing IG 101:

  • How to approach Instagram with an abundance mindset.
  • Set the stage for how you want to show up on the platform for yourself and your people.
  • Feel less stress around instagram because you are clear on your purpose.
  • Feel less attachment between your success and performance on the platform.
  • Set realistic expectations around numbers within the app.
  • Have a clear bio that attracts your ideal client and raises you up as an expert in the field.
  • Create a cohesive feed that is visually appealing to your ideal client.
  • Developing your brand “look” –  making your brand look professional + recognizable.
  • Know your ideal client and what they need from YOU.
  • Create content that speaks directly to your ideal client, creating more engaged followers.
  • What it means to nurture your audience.
  • Get clear on what sets you apart – what makes you human.
  • Know how to look at metrics, what metrics matter, and how to drive up engagement where you want It.
  • What to share in your stories, what makes for a captivating story, and how to sell via your stories.
  • What showing up consistently on instagram looks like FOR YOU, your success, but also your sanity.

…and more.

What you won’t get inside IG 101

  • 100 followers overnight
  • 10x the amount of likes on your photos
  • Hacks, tricks, or loop-holes to “success”
  • How to make money quick from instagram

That’s it! You know this takes work, it won’t happen over night. BUT now you have the tools to make it happen.

Instagram 101 is all yours. Let’s dive in.

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I'm an adventurous introvert from Vancouver, Washington who lives on sleep + "me time." I'm a lover of lifting weights, dinosaurs, real talk and traveling with my husband. I am here to help you move better, lift more, bust the myths of the fitness industry, and inspire you to love the process.

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