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November 9, 2023

The FitsPRO Podcast [helpful episodes]

Helpful Podcasts

Consider this your immediate help line.

If you didn’t know, I host The FitsPRO Podcast – Your No B.S. approach to all things biz, fitness training, coaching, and more.

Lucky for you, I talk about many aspects of building a business – lessons, go to mantras, strategy, launching, email marketing, social media and so on. As Applicable episodes are recorded, they will be added to this section so that you can stay up to date. If you find value, then I would love for you to subscribe to the podcast, give ‘er 5 starts and leave a review.

Honestly, the whole podcast is likely helpful for you, but these are some of the most applicable I believe.

Feel free to reference these any time you need throughout the course.

Much love.

The FitsPRO Podcast

082| Early Lessons I Learned In Biz (some useful then, some useful now)

Today’s episode is one that you need to take with a grain of salt. These lessons are very personal to me, but may apply to you, so don’t think that just because I found one of these distracting and un-useful, that it must be distracting and un-useful for you. Always stay true to you, your biz, and your gut, as much as you can.

080 | Relationship Between Error, Quality & Success (the success funnel)

The relationship I want to discuss today is one that I have lived. I have been aware of this but didn’t put an actual name to it until Dr. Sean Pastuch brought it to my attention during my appearance on the Active Life Podcast. And he said it came from Adee Cazayoux. I am not positive where this idea originated from, but it’s apparently called the “Success Funnel” and my plan today is to discuss my experience with this idea.

078 | How to Build a Reputation on IG without Exploiting Your Body

If I have been known for one thing on Instagram from day one until now, it is hands down, my reputation for not exploiting my body, but still providing value and growing an audience. It can be done my friends. This comes up often in my DM’s. How to grab attention, get interaction and grow without showing your butthole. That’s the goal today – to give you some legit ideas on how to make that happen.

074 | What Type of Website Do You Need?

All websites are not created equal, and all websites do not serve the same purpose. Today, I hope to get you some clarity on what type of website or website platform might be the best fit for you.

067 | 3 Ways To Protect Your Time

Time is THE MOST important in my opinion. It’s one of the only things in life we don’t get back. I don’t say that to be dramatic, rather realistic. When it comes to relationships, goals, rest and anything valuable to you, I encourage you to focus on learning to protect your time. You have choices…

064 | Finding Your Place In Health & Fitness

I am coming at this from the perspective that some of you are trying to find your place as a coach and some of you are trainees. And I honestly think it’s beneficial for coaches to understand WHERE their clients are so they can meet them there. It can be SO HARD and take a long freaking time to feel like you belong in the health and fitness space. Whether it be online or in person. To really have a place and feel comfortable there. Not comfortable in a bad or restricting way, but like – really happy to take up the space that you do in this field.

061 | The Number One Thing Online Entrepreneurs Should Work On

This episode is really two things I think online entrepreneurs should always be working on, but even if you know one…it doesn’t do you any good if you can’t do the other. We communicate in the online world, MOSTLY via writing. Now there is a caveat here…

057 | To Offer Free or Not to Offer Free

I’ll start out with a giant spoiler alert…YES. You need to offer things FO FREE. But we can’t say that without discussing the spectrum. Because there is definitely a spectrum. What I mean by that, is that there are different types of free content and that free content does different things for your biz. Lucky for you, we are diving into ALL of them today.

054 | My Go To Mantras

I actually used to think mantras were kind of woo woo and stupid. But when you learn more, you know more and you can then make decisions based on that knowledge. Now, I didn’t look up, nor do I know the definition of a mantra. But I know I was thinking of them in a restricted manner before. So I’ll share my journey to embracing mantras and then walk you through my four favs over the last two years or so.

045 | Money Mindset, Buying & Pricing

Today I’m taking you through a few topics around money from a consumer and biz owner point of view.

We’ll cover:

  • Why we buy
  • Money mindset (something I’ll likely work on five ever)
  • A pricing formula

043 | Get Past Your Creative Content Block [5 Tactics]

Sometimes creating content can seem bothersome, annoying and time consuming. Other times it’s super fun, you feel inspired and are filled with creative ideas. This episode is more-so for the first situation. When you need some structure, someone to get you going as you stare at the wall, or blank piece of paper or empty notebook app.

038 | 3 Business Beliefs I had When Starting Out & Disagree with Now

I think as humans we should always be challenging our beliefs and philosophy whether in life, fitness or business. There are things that I believe to be true now, that in a few years I might disagree with or see through a different lens. As far as business goes, this is more true than you know. The three things I believed you needed in order to be successful are more painful for me to reveal than the fitness side of things.

032 | Building Your Offer Pyramid

Today I want talk about something that was a mistake for me in the beginning. And it is a mistake that I see a lot of online coaches make. I think that they make this mistake because they see everyone else doing it, and they view those people as successful, so they copy what they are doing. I narrowed this issue down to the order in which you create your offers because I think there is a way to roll out and develop offers efficiently and A LOT of ways to do it inefficiently. From my observations in this field, and from my personal experience, the latter seems to be more popular.

Also might be of interest to you if IG is your choice of social media:

076 | How to be Polarizing & Prep for the Hate

023 | Selling on Your Instagram In Your Feed & Stories

008 | How to Generate Sales From Instagram

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I'm an adventurous introvert from Vancouver, Washington who lives on sleep + "me time." I'm a lover of lifting weights, dinosaurs, real talk and traveling with my husband. I am here to help you move better, lift more, bust the myths of the fitness industry, and inspire you to love the process.

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