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January 31, 2019

Vienna Austria in November [Winter Road Trip from Budapest]

We arrived in Vienna from Ljubljana in the evening and had ONE DAY (the following day), to explore all that is Vienna. This city is the grandest European city we’ve seen to date. The buildings are extremely well kept, painted white, and the city as a whole is unbelievable clean for a large city.

With that said, it is an expensive and very luxury city as well. Nowhere else have seen so many Porches, Bugattis and Maseratis. This is to be expected in Canes, France perhaps. But it was not what I expected to find in Vienna. It was clearly an area of wealth.

Having done very minimal research before this little road trip, we quickly realized we should have planned for at least two full days in this city. It deserves and demands more than a day trip FOR SURE.

But, the Millers + Matt had one glorious day. So we rented electric bikes and saw as much as humanly possible in that one day. Mind you this was in November. Meaning we were not working with excessive daylight here.

We explored the city center (the ring around the center), and then ventured to some outskirts towards the water front. You’ll see no photos of the water front because…well, there is nothing there. Not in the fall/winter anyhow. I imagine this area is poppin’ in the summer, but definitely not worth your time in toward the end of the year.

So, there’s your quick recap. No big notes here. Just photos on a gorgeous autumn day in Vienna.

It should be noted that many of the buildings were being cleaned. We assumed it was due to it being the off season for tourism. But the buildings were all so clean here, I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re on a constant rotation.

You can clearly see the difference between the cleaned and non-cleaned portions of the cathedral below. It makes a HUGE difference. And we noticed it immediately in comparison to other cities we’d visited.

Will you please note the differences between the American and Australian in comparison to the European statues on the front of this Natural Museum…

We didn’t get to visit this Christmas Market as it wasn’t open yet. But I imagine it is unbelievably beautiful and 150% worth visiting.

As I said, you need more than one day in Vienna. But biking was an awesome way to see the city. So I highly suggest doing that no matter how long you stay.


Our apartment was a serious win in Vienna. I was literally sad we didn’t get to stay here for a longer period of time. It was in the center of the city, and super spacious. You can find it here, on

Next up…OUR LAST STOP on our January blog-a-thon, and one of the most popular European destinations. We head to Prague, Czech for two full days. Stay tuned for the finale my friend.

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I'm an adventurous introvert from Vancouver, Washington who lives on sleep + "me time." I'm a lover of lifting weights, dinosaurs, real talk and traveling with my husband. I am here to help you move better, lift more, bust the myths of the fitness industry, and inspire you to love the process.

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