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June 22, 2021

117 | How to Get More 1:1 Clients

How to get more 1:1 clients with Annie Miller

How to get more 1:1 clients

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In Q1 and Q2 my FitsPRO’s and 1:1 biz clients have had great success with securing more 1:1 roster spots.

It’s something that is likely needed if you’re starting or growing in the online space of health and fitness. We typically start with a 1:1 offer because of a few things, which I’ve mentioned before:

  • 1:1 is often the highest ticket offer – meaning we can secure solid income from the get go
  • It requires a smaller audience size – you can only take on so many 1:1 clients. Let’s say you need to fill 10 spots. That’s probably easier, even at a higher price point, with an audience of 300 people in comparison to filling 100 20 day challenge spots. You see?
  • 1:1 allows us to refine our processes – both in the onboarding and marketing space, as well as the actual process we want our clients through.
  • Lastly, 1:1 allows us to get great testimonies and feedback.
  • And bonus – gaining experience with our 1:1 ideal clients, allows us to see what gaps need to be filled, and who those gaps are for. So that, when the time comes to scale, we can create supporting offers. Or, of course, you can simply hire more coaches and fill more 1:1 spots. Or both.

So, there are some reasons that we typically start with 1:1 training in the online space before creating courses, or group programs. Though, nothing is required. As always.

Now we answer the question of how you actually FILL these 1:1 spots.

For some context, I am not speaking in terms of a hard open and close launch. You’ve opened 1:1 spots, and you’re consistently trying to bring in more applicants. That’s the scenario I am referring to throughout this episode. Okay? Picture painted.

First off, this assumes you have a landing page with an application in place – this application obviously needs to make clear to you if this person is a good fit for 1:1. That’s up to you and the questions you ask.

You can then schedule a sales call, or skip the sales call, send a contract, they pay and sign up.

With the latter, I often think a proper sales page is needed – sales pages simply cover what is often covered in a sales call, right? Who it’s for, how you function, your philosophy, the result, expectations, etc – all to figure out if it’s a good fit for the prospect client.

Once all of this in place, let’s get more clients.

It is my belief that if your roster isn’t full, it’s your fault.

Meaning – you either aren’t selling enough, you’re selling in the wrong place, your messaging is off, or a combination of these three. This is just my belief, take it for what it’s worth.

Thus, we fill more spots through:
-Selling more often
-Polling your audience
-Making it easy & clear for the client

Let’s break these down.

Selling more often.

With my 1:1 biz clients, this always comes as a silly surprise. Not always, but more often than not, when we schedule their sales frequency (2-3 times per week at least), the applications start rolling in. Go figure.

We can’t expect applications every time you mention your service, but you DO need to talk about your service and tell people to apply OFTEN. LIKE REALLY OFTEN.

And here’s the deal – before you say “I don’t want to feel like I’m always selling or bombarding people.”

…I get that. No one likes to be bombarded either. When I walk into a store, I don’t want Shelly all up in my face before I’ve had a chance to look around. Let a woman BREATHE.

But keep in mind, you’re posting on Instagram, sending weekly emails, and showing up in your stories FAR MORE frequently than you’re selling. And not every person opens every email or sees every social media post (referring mostly to IG and FB).

If you’re providing consistent value in addition to selling, you’re golden, okay? In fact that is the best thing you can do. Give away your gold for FREE, provide loads of value to the point that people want to pay you! This is the goal.

So, help them out, and TELL THEM TO APPLY.

Ways you can sell more often include, but are not limited to the following:

Use current clients as case studies. 

You are walking a client through a journey? Correcting a movement pattern, improving prolapse, reverse dieting? Without revealing the client’s identity, simply speak to the SITUATION and HOW you work with this. HOW you deal with this, what your approach is.

Case studies are like a real time behind the scenes of what it’s like to work with you. And this is hands down the most effective way I filled my 1:1 spots before scaling with my Built By Annie program.

Do mini trainings.

By the way these can be delivered in many ways, across many platforms. Mini trainings can be any topic that your audience at large would benefit from learning about AND works as an up-sell to working with you 1:1. You can list out topics ahead of time. Or more often than not, these will come to you while going through client check ins, having conversations with your audience, or during your own experiences. 

It doesn’t matter which of these you choose, as long as you’re selling consistently and frequently wherever you have an audience.

Lastly, you’ve got to be willing to ask for the sell. Truly this comes down to mindset more than anything else. If you’re reluctant to sell, WHICH IS VERY NORMAL, you *likely* lack confidence in yourself, your offer, or the price of your offer. That’s a whole other topic.

But I can tell you that selling more, and listening to the rest of this podcast, will probably help you gain some confidence. It only takes one YES to boost the confidence. And then when a no comes along, remember that it’s simply making room for another YES – who is a great fit.

Next up are polling your audience and making it easy + clear for the client.

These are less about SELLING and more about clarity.

Polling your audience

This is one of the best things you can do from a marketing standpoint. I have my clients poll their IG, FB groups, and email. People love taking a quiz and giving their opinions right? So why not learn something about your audience with this!

You can ask them SO MANY THINGS. So make sure your questions are giving you the data you want. Keep some open ended, so that they can free write and use their own verbiage. This allows you to see common words, or themes pop up within the responses.

It’s such great way to learn about where your audience is at, and what they’re looking for. This, in turn gives you insight to your own messaging and how to better connect with your audience. Maybe you were selling the result of food freedom but your audience doesn’t even recognize what that is yet, or how that can be possible for them.

You can do this several times in order to get a full 360 picture of your audience.

Again, when it comes to sales, what you speak about, your content and your “sell” needs to connect with your ideal client. Words matter. Messaging matters. That’s where polling your audience can give you better clarity as to what your focus should be.

That’s a perfect transition into our last point.

Making it easy & clear for the client

That’ a very broad statement,  I know. But your client experience begins before they ever sign on with you.

This is something we cover inside my FitsPRO Foundations course. I call it the client lifespan. It should be clear to the potential client:

What you do – what your focus is

Who your service is for

What the promise or expected result of your service is

At the very least.

I prefer to have prices available but that’s a personal preference. It’s my belief that the value should be made clear via a sales page. Now, if you do sales calls, and don’t have a sales page, I understand not having the price listed because you haven’t had a chance to communicate the value. Neither is right or wrong. I can see justifications for both.

That covers making it CLEAR. What the offer is, what you do, who it’s for, what’s included, what’s the expected result. Testimonies can help grately with this.

Making it EASY is another way to increase sales.

Think about limiting the steps your prospect has to go through and how it can be made easier for them.

For example. You do an IG story case study then you end by asking those interested to apply to work with you. You say “click the link in my bio”

Pause tape – that requires them to click your tiny image in the top right, then click your link. Instead, you could tag yourself on the page so they can just click that. It’s small, simple but easier for them, FOR SURE. You could also have them DM you in response to the story, and then you can send them the DIRECT LINK to the application page.

This gives you an extra touch point, and starts a convo.

I hope you see what I am getting with this. Think about the consumer and making it a smooth experience for them. If someone feels confused or is inconvenienced by your application process, they’re likely not going through it. What a silly reason to miss out on a great potential client!

You can take EASY and CLEAR all the way through your onboarding process. There will always be room for improvement, but paying attention to these things from the get go, might just get you more sales. Worth it to me.

That’s it! Happy selling. People need what you have to offer. Start with nothing more than google form, solid offer, and a willingness to sell.

If you find value here, on The FitsPRO Podcast, then pretty please head over to iTunes, subscribe, rate and review the show. It means the world to me when you spread my message to more humans.

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P.S. Save this value packed episode for later over on Pinterest!


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I'm an adventurous introvert from Vancouver, Washington who lives on sleep + "me time." I'm a lover of lifting weights, dinosaurs, real talk and traveling with my husband. I am here to help you move better, lift more, bust the myths of the fitness industry, and inspire you to love the process.

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