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November 15, 2023

Helpful Podcasts and Resources

Helpful Podcasts & Resources

Consider this your go to spot for all resources related to the gram, creating content for the gram, and generally…winning on the gram.

If you didn’t know, I host The FitsPRO Podcast – Your No B.S. approach to all things biz, fitness training, coaching, and more.

Lucky for you, I talk about the ol’ instagram on my little pod. Below you’ll find episodes that may be helpful to you in building your brand on the gram. As well as other resources that may be helpful to you in this process. These are not affiliate links. Just some platforms that may or may not make your life easier.

The FitsPRO Podcast

159 | 6 Reasons You’re Not Successful On IG

Today’s episode is not a feel good one. But I do hope that you can be real with yourself and objectively question whether any of these apply to you. Because in reality, you have the potential, rather the opposite of these have the potential to let you enjoy your time on the app, and to grow on the app.

156 | What Social Media Platform Should You Be On?

The answer to today’s question is not going to be something that is definite. That’s for a couple of reasons. For one, social media platforms are always changing, disappearing, and new ones are being planted. And also, your creation process and preferences may change overtime, requiring you to experiment or migrate onto other platforms.

142 | Lead Generation When You’re an Online Coach

So you decide you want to start an online coaching business. I’m the online space we have the benefit of not being restricted to a locational demographic. But that is also a challenge. At least if you’re brick and mortar is in South Bend, that’s where you’re finding your clientele. You can network with local companies, target the soccer moms or what have you.

Online, the world that has access to WiFi or data IS YOURS.

140 | 4 Simple Tips To Create Content That Converts

Something that comes through without fail on my FitsPRO Foundations intake survey is that people struggle with finding ideal clients online and/or converting clients to sales. Which is why it’s important to have content that converts.

We shall dive into pieces of this today. And hopefully you’ll have some level of action to take and apply to ze gram.

133 | How To Create Engaging Instagram Stories

It’s no secret that building an audience is important, and that getting that audience to interact with your content is even more important. But what happens when you feel like you’re doing all of the things, and people are still not taking the bait?

122 | Using Video to Grow Your Audience and Business

Instagram recently announced that they are a video-centric platform. Pinterest started allowing video and swipe-style graphics in 2020, and YouTube favors long videos cut into shorter segments.  Video is the future, and we’ve known that for a few years now.

120 | 2021 Instagram Takeaways for Business Owners

I asked my IG audience what Instagram’s enneagram would be if it had one. My favorite answer was that it’s not on the chart. It has an identity crisis. I’ve never heard something so accurate. So, with IG and it’s ever changing, now ALGORITHM(S) – Yes, PLURAL – what are creators and brands to do?

108 | Considerations to Make Before Using IG To Grow Your Biz

So if you’re looking to or you DO use Instagram as your main social platform to help build your brand, whether online or not, let’s consider some things. Maybe IG is for you. Maybe it’s not.

104 | How To Diversify or Repurpose Your Content

097 | 10 Common Mistakes Businesses Make On IG

If you are trying to grow an online brand or business, especially in the health and fitness field, it is likely that you are using Instagram to help with that process. Last week, I posted a few photos from my Instagram back in 2014. And that got me thinking about how much the platform has changed in almost 7 years.

095 | How to Create Engaging Content [Results are in]

This podcast episode came directly from an Instagram poll that I did a week or two ago.

In preparation for something coming in 2021, I gave four options for my IG audiences biggest struggle in biz:

  • Content creation
  • Overall messaging
  • Mindset
  • Offer development

With content creation being the highest vote, I asked in a question box, for my audience to elaborate – what part of content creation is currently holding you back? These were the answers….

088 | 2020 Observations of Instagram to Help Grow Your Brand

In today’s episode I plan to share with you what I have observed throughout 2020 on Instagram with small and large accounts alike.

078 | How to Build a Reputation on IG without Exploiting Your Body

If I have been known for one thing on Instagram from day one until now, it is hands down, my reputation for not exploiting my body, but still providing value and growing an audience. It can be done my friends. This comes up often in my DM’s. How to grab attention, get interaction and grow without showing your butthole. That’s the goal today – to give you some legit ideas on how to make that happen.

076 | How to be Polarizing & Prep for the Hate

I was VERY scared to be TRULY polarizing in the only space that I have. While I was never a normal fitspo, and never “fit in” in the what I would consider to be the norm of the world of online fitness, I also didn’t REALLY start actively speaking out in a polarizing manner until 2018. And I didn’t start doing it OFTEN until maybe late 2019 and 2020 to date. Let’s define what polarizing IS + how to leverage this when building a grand on the gram.

061 | The Number One Thing Online Entrepreneurs Should Work On

This episode is really two things I think online entrepreneurs should always be working on, but even if you know one…it doesn’t do you any good if you can’t do the other. We communicate in the online world, MOSTLY via writing. Now there is a caveat here…

054 | My Go To Mantras

I actually used to think mantras were kind of woo woo and stupid. But when you learn more, you know more and you can then make decisions based on that knowledge. Now, I didn’t look up, nor do I know the definition of a mantra. But I know I was thinking of them in a restricted manner before. So I’ll share my journey to embracing mantras and then walk you through my four favs over the last two years or so.

046 | Results From Posting 85% Less on Instagram

I went from posting seven days per week to posting once or twice per week or the entire month of October 2019. I was still in my stories almost daily. Today I will cover why I did it, how the experiment came about, the numeric results from the experiment and the subjective/emotional results from the experiment. As well as who I think can get away with posting less and how to go about doing it.

043 | Get Past Your Creative Content Block [5 Tactics]

Sometimes creating content can seem bothersome, annoying and time consuming. Other times it’s super fun, you feel inspired and are filled with creative ideas. This episode is more-so for the first situation. When you need some structure, someone to get you going as you stare at the wall, or blank piece of paper or empty notebook app.

023 | Selling on Your Instagram In Your Feed & Stories

Instagram is changing, it has changed, and will continue to do so. You can’t keep doing what USED to work and expect it to work NOW. That’s true for all aspects of owning and running a business right? Systems and tactics that got you to one point, might not be the ones that get you to the next one. Well today, we dive into your instagram feed AND stories in order to make you more money on this platform. Yes, these are specific strategies that work NOW on instagram to build relationships, trust, and income for you.

008 | How to Generate Sales From Instagram

Today’s episode is not a map to quick results. It is me, coaching you through how to RE-DO your approach to instagram. These tips and tricks are from myself and experts in the field. You already know I am a huge advocate for giving credit. So see the people to follow in the resource section below.

Canva: Graphic creation for posts, stories and content in general (you’ll get templates from me in the course as well, but you’ll need an account).

Content planning/scheduling apps:

You can drag and drop your posts as drafts into any of these platforms, write captions etc. You may even be able to plan stories but I am not positive as I do not personally choose to use a planning app. You’ll learn more about that inside the course. If you already use one of these, then you’re ahead of the game my friend. 

Plann: Simplest and easiest to use in my opinion. Only integrates with FB and IG

Later: Can integrate with Twitter, IG, Pinterest, FB and other apps

Planoly: The in between of Plann and Later. More intricate than Plann, less than Later. But Also easy to use.

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I'm an adventurous introvert from Vancouver, Washington who lives on sleep + "me time." I'm a lover of lifting weights, dinosaurs, real talk and traveling with my husband. I am here to help you move better, lift more, bust the myths of the fitness industry, and inspire you to love the process.

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