the blog
I'm an adventurous introvert from Vancouver, Washington who lives on sleep + "me time." I'm a lover of lifting weights, dinosaurs, real talk and traveling with my husband. I am here to help you move better, lift more, bust the myths of the fitness industry, and inspire you to love the process.
I get asked weekly, “How do you stay motivated to workout?” Motivation is a word that gets thrown around A LOT in the fitness industry. Quite frankly I hate it. I am NOT motivated everyday to workout. In fact I would say 20% of the time I am motivated. 80% of the time I have […]
Perspective is a VERY powerful thing. It literally shapes the way you view a scenario, process it and act on it. Today I plan to help you thrive by getting you to think long term. A long term perspective is quite possibly the most grounding practice for remaining steadfast in life and training. Listen, I […]
This post is to inform you about where the Annie behind Fitdesignbyannie is headed, to invite you along for the ride + to encourage you to step outside your comfort zone and dream BIG. … You get one life. For at least one year of mine, I’ll be lifting and eating my way around […]
Let’s talk about those times when you literally cant suck it in – when you feel like somehow over night you gained three pounds in your mid-section and you want nothing more than to lay in bed and cry…
Allow me to share my most popular post – both in comments and likes – from my instagram in 2016. I will also share with you my 3 tricks to controlling bloat.
How to find the right diet for you. Let me start off with a little note here…”diet” is NOT synonymous with losing fat or losing weight. “Diet” is quite literally what you put in your pie hole on the daily. I get it, nutrition is complicated. I don’t pretend that it’s not. We are […]
I thought I had mastered Movement… I’ve got a little story for you today. Let’s call it my journey to quality movement through all of the injuries. I am here to answer the question: Why is Annie Miller of Fitdesignbyannie so passionate about proper movement patterns and simplicity? I was in school for […]
How to give less care’s in the gym + Why it vital for your Growth I am coming at you with some tough love today sister. This post is based on an instagram post where I broke down how to set up the barbell hip thrust. In the post I said, “Don’t feel like […]
How instagram got my top 9 WRONG. This is not my typical blog post. But bare with me. If you follow me on instagram, you know I was disappointed when I saw my instagram”top 9 of 2017″. The top nine are the most liked photos on instagram throughout the past year. In theory it […]
Pumpkin spice lattes, the cold dark weather leading to a complete lack of motivation, winter time comfort foods, holiday parties, baked goods at the office, and the stress of 2017 coming to an end…
THE. STRUGGLE. IS. REAL. Girl I feel you.
Whether you have reached your goals during 2017 or not, these tips are useful for getting fit + NOT completely sabotaging yourself through the holidays.
Listen, cellulite. For the most part, women hate it. Some women might accept it. I accept mine, BUT that doesn’t mean we don’t have questions about it, where it comes from, what makes it go away and so on.
Does everyone have cellulite? NO. But if you do, you probably aren’t a fan and you need to read this.
You love my style, trust my reviews, and want more Annie Miller Concepts vibes in your life? Shop my favorite brands. You get awesome products and yours truly gets a little kick-back.
I, Annie Miller, bring you a no B.S. approach on how to navigate + thrive in the world that is online health and fitness. You’ll learn through the lens of the trainee, the strength coach and the entrepreneur. I don't shy away from the nitty gritty truths my friend. Join me.